Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Youtube is so fetch

Considering I haven't been following the presidential election campaigns, and am not currently planning to vote (despite thinking everyone else should do both), I have heard that Hillary Clinton started crying.

So I youtubed it.

And you know what? I love her. Even though I don't know any of her policies. And I hate all the people who say she's a crybaby.

That doesn't mean I'd vote for her, though. Get the facts. (Because obviously MSNBC is the source of all wisdom.)

Also--you can't just ask somebody why they're white.

1 comment:

Hops said...

Ok, so I still have no idea who I'm going to support, though I plan on participating in Super Tuesday. However, Hillary getting "emotional" doesn't make me like her any more or less. She's like 60, campaigning like crazy, and probably exhausted. What impressed me is that she seemed to believe very strongly about what she would like to do for this country. That's what made her emotional, IMO.

Or it was probs her hysterical uterus.