Friday, February 22, 2008

Tetris is REAL!

I'm currently in recovery, but there was a time when I could honestly say that I was addicted to TETRIS.

Now I just make my students play Human Tetris. I think it's pretty great but I get mad when they don't blink and disappear when I make lines.

In the midst of all the hours we spent playing the Super Nintendo version in college, I remember convincing Jenna to cut class so we could keep playing Tetris and Dr. Mario. Good times.

If you want to see a youtube video that represents the most common game show on South Korean television, check out this next video.

...Actually, that's a little less silly than most of the ones we see. Also, is that a pool of honey they're falling into?

This marks weekend #2 sans alcohol. Have a great one!

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