Sunday, April 27, 2008

Digest This.

Today, for the first time in history, I changed my Facebook status. Now it says, "Michael Morrisey is digesting the dog he ate for dinner."

It's no joke. And it was pretty tasty.

My brother said, "So have you resolved the rumor that the dogs are beaten before they're killed in order to tenderize them?" I said, No but I eat chicken and eggs, and I've pretty much resolved the rumor that they're tortured. AKA they live in horrendously crowded cages, stacked one on top of another, with the lowest levels drowning in filth.. Here's a link to the longer video showing such horrible living conditions.

And here's the PETA video I found to convince you to become a vegetarian. (I'll work on it when I'm done being in a foreign country.)

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