Thursday, April 17, 2008

Miss Muffet A Feminist?

Embracing feminism doesn't mean that we must expect the same things from women and men.

It means that gender differences must not make us assume gender inferiorities.

I realized that last night. This morning, I remembered the following nursery rhyme:

Little Miss Muffet crouched on a tuffett,
Collecting her shell-shocked wits.
There dropped (from a glider) an H-bomb beside her--
Which frightened Miss Muffet to bits.

Turns out, that was written by Paul Dehn to protest nuclear war (duh). The fact that it came to mind while I was reading Freakonomics seemed appropriate, since the chapter titled "Where Have All The Criminals Gone?" makes the convincing case that they have, in fact, been aborted. I suggest you read the book for yourself. The book also added a capping quote to an issue I was thinking heavily about a bit ago: "What the link between abortion and crime does say is this: when the government gives a woman the opportunity to make her own decision about abortion, she generally does a good job of figuring out if she is in a position to raise the baby well."

But, in the words of Mark Twain, I'm getting off track. Of course we can't expect the same things from women and men. Women don't have as much testosterone. Men don't have as much bleeding from the uterus. And you know what? It's really not as simple as that.

And in the end, I think Miss Muffet would have accepted her fate calmly. She eats curds. You can't tell me that doesn't build character.


Hops said...

OMG I love cheese curds! When you get home, you will have to get some from Buffalo and bring them to NYC and we will gorge ourselves on glorious, delicious cheese curds!

Jax said...

Well howdy

Personally I never liked the nursery rhyme Miss Muffet, but then again, I was never a fan of curds of whey.