Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Love Craig's List

I'm no longer worried about where to find an apartment. I have confidence that CraigsList is going to come through for me, as long as I wait til I'm back in Buffalo. Now I just need to get to work motivating the people I want to live with me. (Hear that, Jenna, Brandon, and Tami?)

I still need to figure out the job situation. I really can't afford to go jobless for any stretch of time once I'm back in the states, and since that's coming up in less than four months, I feel that I really need to narrow it down. I'll keep you posted on how that goes--keep me posted on any further ideas.

I'm almost finished with For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway. I'm thrilled with it, it was way better than A Farewell To Arms, and I suggest you run right out and get it from your local dosagwan because it's fantastic.

And that's all there is for today.


Anonymous said...

Got it, I'll run out and get it once I finish Musashi(amazingly good book about samurai) I liked a farewell to arms, but the end of that book was a little drastic. I don't know I just didn't like the ending. But I'll try to get that book.

Michael T said...

Yeah, I thought A Farewell To Arms was alright and I'm kinda going back and forth as to whether I'm going to keep it, but it was too detached for my tastes. For Whom The Bell Tolls is way more immediate. I mean, the main character of A Farewell was an ambulance driver, no not even that--the boss of the drivers. In For Whom, the main character is a dynamiter directly involved in guerrilla warfare. Definitely an engaging read.

Glad to see you coming around, Rapparee.